All events

AI-powered Tools for Lexicographers in the 21st Century
Date: 25.5.2022
Location: online via zoom, 4-5.30pm (CEST)

Long Night of Research (LNF2022)
Date: 20.5.2022
Location: Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, Austria

ELEXIS Showcase Event
Date: 7.-8.6.2022
Location: online & onsite (Florence, Italy)
Location: online & onsite (Florence, Italy)

ELEXIS Workshop @EURALEX 2022
Date: 11.7.2022
Location: Mannheim, Germany
Location: Mannheim, Germany

TOTH Conference 2022
Date: 1. - 3.6.2022
Location: online & onsite (Chambéry, France)
Location: online & onsite (Chambéry, France)

Globalex Workshop on Linked Lexicography @LREC2022
Date: 20.6.2022
Location: online & onsite (Marseille, France)
Location: online & onsite (Marseille, France)

8th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics @LREC2022
Date: 24.06.2022
Location: Marseille, France
Location: Marseille, France

1st International Conference on Multilingual digital terminology
Dates: 16.-17.6.2022
Location: Padova, Italy
Location: Padova, Italy

19th Annual Conference of Applied Linguistics 2022
Dates: 16.-17.6.2022
Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Location: Tallinn, Estonia

Lisbon Summer School in Linguistics 2022
Dates: 4.-8.7.2022
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Location: Lisbon, Portugal

4th GLOBALEX Workshop on Lexicography and Neology @EURALEX2022
Date: 15.7.2022
Location: Mannheim, Germany
Location: Mannheim, Germany

TOTh 2021 Workshop
Date: 10.12.2021
Location: Online & Onsite, Paris, France
Location: Online & Onsite, Paris, France

Lexicom 2021 Europe
Date: 20. - 24.9.2021,
Location: Cambridge, UK
Location: Cambridge, UK

3rd GLOBALEX Workshop
Date: 31.8.2021, 9.30 – 14.30 (CEST)
Location: virtual
Location: virtual

Workshop: Controlled Vocabularies, July 2021
Date: 12. 07. 2021
Location: virtual
Location: virtual

Lisbon Summer School in Linguistics, July 2021
Dates: 5.-9.7.2021
Location: Online and onsite: Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Lisbon, Portugal
Location: Online and onsite: Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Lisbon, Portugal

TOTh – June 2021
Date: 1. - 4.6.2021
Location: Chambéry, France & virtual
Location: Chambéry, France & virtual

LiSeH Spring School – April 2021
Date: 6. - 9. 4. 2021
Location: Graz, Austria
Location: Graz, Austria

eLex2021: post-editing lexicography
Dates: 5.-7.7.2021
Location: Virtually
Location: Virtually

Globalex Workshop on Lexicography & Neologism
Date: November 4, 2020
14:30 – 17:30 (CET)
Location: virtual
14:30 – 17:30 (CET)
Location: virtual

EURALEX XIX – Lexicography for Inclusion
Date: 7. - 11.9.2021
Location: virtual
Location: virtual

MWE-LEX2020 Workshop @COLING 2020
Date: 8. - 13.12.2020
Location: virtual
Location: virtual

TOTh – November 2020
Date: 24. - 27.11.2020
Location: Chambéry, France & virtual
Location: Chambéry, France & virtual

Date: TBA
Location: Marseille, France
Location: Marseille, France

MetaForum, October 2019
Date: 8./9.10.2019
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Location: Brussels, Belgium

European Researchers’ Night, September 2019
Date: 27.9.2019
Location: Vienna / cities all over Europe
Location: Vienna / cities all over Europe

eLex2019: Smart Lexicography, October 2019
Dates: 1.-3.10.2019
Location: Vila Galé Hotel, Sintra, Portugal
Location: Vila Galé Hotel, Sintra, Portugal

Global WordNet Conference 2019,
July 2019
Dates: 23.-27.7.2019
Location: Faculty of Computer Science and Management, Wrocław, Poland
Location: Faculty of Computer Science and Management, Wrocław, Poland
July 2019

Workshop on eLexicography,
July 2019
2nd iteration - eLexicography between Digital Humanities and Artificial Intelligence: Complexities in Data, Technologies, Communities.
July 2019

ESSLLI Summer School,
August 2019
Dates: 5.-16.8.2019
Location: University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
Location: University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
August 2019

Summer School in Linguistics,
July 2019
Dates: 1.-5.7.2019
Location: Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Lisbon, Portugal
Location: Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Lisbon, Portugal
July 2019

Asialex 2019
ELEXIS will be present at the Asialex 2019 conference, hosted by Istanbul University in Istanbul, Turkey in June 2019.

Conference on Lexicography in the Nordic Region
The Conference on Lexicography in the Nordic Region was held from the 4th until the 7th of June 2019 in Helsinki, Finland. ELEXIS had a strong presence at the conference, as Iztok Kosem from JSI was one of the keynote speakers.

E-dictionaries and E-lexicography
Zagreb hosted a conference that focused on the topics of e-dictionaries, e-encyclopedias, corpora in lexicography, databases on language and terminology, e-terminology, retrodigitalization and computer tools for lexicography.

Globalex 2019 Workshop at DSNA
ELEXIS supported and co-organised the Globalex Workshop on Lexicography and Neologism that was held at the 22nd biennial meeting of the Dictionary Society of North America.

ELEXIS @ Workshop: Showcasing Language Technologies, April 2019
This workshop introduces Digital Service Infrastructures and their stakeholders language technology related projects. ELEXIS representatives are going to showcase tools and services developed within the project.

ELEXIS @LiSeH Spring School 2019
LiSeH2019 will give an introduction to concepts related to the Semantic Web and Linked Data and aims to provide an overview of semantic web technologies and tools with a special focus on application scenarios in the Humanities.

Language rules conference
ELEXIS representatives were present at University of Nottingham in the UK for the conference Language rules? Languages, standards and linguistic inequality: multilingualism and variation in education, law and citizenship.

3rd Summer Datathon on Linguistic Linked Open Data
SD-LLOD 19 was organized in conjunction with and held before the Conference on Language, Data & Knowledge (LDK19).

ACDH virtual hackathon series
The core goal of this event series is to promote Openness in DH and show a path towards putting it into practice.

Vienna ELEXIS Observer event
Join us at our free observer event in Vienna, Austria on February 18th and 19th!

Dictionary Society of North America 2019 Conference
ELEXIS will be present at the DSNA 2019 conference in Bloomington, Indiana (US).

Terminology & Ontology (TOTh 2019)
ELEXIS is supporting the TOTh conference which will take place in Chambéry, France in June 2019. A special ELEXIS workshop on lexical resources and lexicography will be held at the conference.

Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2019)
ELEXIS supported the Language, Data and Knowledge 2019 conference which took place in Leipzig, Germany in May 2019.

ELEXIS will be present at the conference “Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities for a European Research Agenda
– Valuation of SSH in mission-oriented research”.

The Lexical Data Masterclass is back!
Lexical Data Masterclass aims at bringing together 20 advanced trainees together with experts to share experiences, methods and techniques for the creation, management and use of digital lexical data.

Workshop on eLexicography
ELEXIS is organizing a Workshop on eLexicography: Between Digital Humanities and Artificial Intelligence co-located with the EADH 2018 Conference in Galway, Ireland on 6th December 2018.

October 2018
ELEXIS will be present at the CLARIN Annual Conference 2018 in Pisa, Italy. Furthermore, this years local host, the Institute for Computational Linguistics, is part of the ELEXIS consortium.
October 2018

Lexicom 2018 EUROPE
We are pleased to announce that the well-known workshop series, Lexicom, organized by Sketch Engine, is this time also supported by ELEXIS, since Sketch Engine is part of the ELEXIS consortium and ELEXIS staff will be present at the workshop in various roles.

ESSLLI 2018 Summer School
ELEXIS members are teaching at the ESSLLI Summer School an introductory course on “Linked Open Data in Linguistics”.

Lisbon Summer School 2018
The Lisbon Summer School 2018, to be held in Lisbon from 2th to 6th July, is offering 9 courses within 3 areas. One of the areas, area 2 “Terminology and Lexicography” is co-organized by ELEXIS.

We are pleased to announce that there will be a strong presence of ELEXIS at the EURALEX congress in Ljubljana, Slovenia, taking place from 16-21 July 2018.

The LREC 2018 Workshop Globalex 2018 “Lexicography & WordNets”, that will take place on the 8th May 2018 in Miyazaki, Japan, is jointly organized by the GLOBALEX Preparatory Board, the Global WordNet Association (GWA) and ELEXIS.

6th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics
The 6th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics: Towards Linguistic Data Science, co-located with the LREC 2018, is coorganized by ELEXIS

ELEXIS Kick-off Meeting
From the 15th to 17th February 2018 the 17 consortium partners met in Ljubljana, Slovenia to kick-off the ELEXIS project. The whole consortium was presented in order to get to know each other better.