Open English WordNet – 2021 Edition Released
We are delighted to announce the release of Open English WordNet that incorporates a large number of improvements from the active community, making it the largest and most accurate wordnet for English.

International Journal of Lexicography: GWLN2020 papers published
Selected papers from the 2020 GLOBALEX workshop on Lexicography & Neologism have now been peer-reviewed and published in a special issue of the International Journal of Lexicography.

Invitation to collaborate
We would like to invite you to participate in three activities that will help us improve the ELEXIS tool ELEXIFINDER.

ELEXIS booths at EURALEX2021
At EURALEX2021 there will be two ELEXIS booths on Wednesday, September 8th 14:00–15:30 where you can meet and talk to ELEXIS representatives to get information & ask questions about the project.

eLEX Conference proceedings published
The final version of the conference proceedings from eLex 2021, post-editing lexicography are now accessible online.

New Release: CrossTheWord
CrossTheWord is a fun puzzle game that includes crowdsourcing for definitions.

new deliverables out now
Three project deliverables were just published, covering the Lexicographic Data Seal of Compliance (LexSeal), a report on the trans-national access (research grants) within year 3 of the project, and the development of the dictionary enhancement module.

K-Dutch launched & hosted by Insituut voor de Nederlandse Taal (CLARIN-B centre)
K-Dutch is THE place for researchers who want to find out more about the Dutch language, such as language advice, tools & resources, etymology, dialects and much more.

3rd GLOBALEX Workshop
Date: 31.8.2021, 9.30 – 14.30 (CEST)
Location: virtual
Location: virtual

WS Controlled Vocabularies: Recorded sessions online!
The recorded sessions are now available online!