new deliverables out now
Three project deliverables were just published, covering the Lexicographic Data Seal of Compliance (LexSeal), a report on the trans-national access (research grants) within year 3 of the project, and the development of the dictionary enhancement module.

New out now: NAISC 1.0
NAISC serves as a system for the alignment of RDF datasets: It takes as input 2 RDF documents (referred to as ‘left’ and ‘right) and outputs an alignment (set of RDF triples) between these two documents.

Protected: Converting the Dictionary of the Contemporary Slovak Language into XML – in liaison with TEI – Natália Kolenčíková

Protected: Enhancing the representation of specialized phraseology in eLexicography – Melania Cabezas García
Melania Cabezas García’s interest in languages and intercultural communication led her to defend her PhD thesis ‘on the study and representation of multiword terms in specialized language’. Consequently, this brought her to the point where she started EcoLexicon, a terminological knowledge base developed in her research group at the University of Granada. Thus, she decided to apply for a #travelgrant to visit the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna in order to enrich her data base and exchange knowledge with experts in the field.

ELEXIS impact survey
We invite you to fill out this survey and share your thoughts on your experience with ELEXIS.

Call 4 for #travelgrants is open!
Application deadline is January 20th 2020.