Protected: Enhancing the representation of specialized phraseology in eLexicography – Melania Cabezas García
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Monolingual Word Sense alignment (MWSA) is the task of aligning word senses across resources in the same language. Finding out which ones are somehow connected together is the task of word sense alignment.
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SyntagNet is a manually-curated large-scale lexical-semantic combination database which associates pairs of concepts with pairs of co-occurring words to capture sense distinctions evoked by syntagmatic relations.
VerbAtlas is a novel large-scale manually-crafted semantic resource for wide-coverage, intelligible & scalable Semantic Role Labeling.
Silga Svike is a teacher, linguist and researcher focusing on special domain dictionaries. Her research visit takes her to the ACDH-CH where she aims to create a bilingual digital LSP corpus in order to translate specialized literature.
As an experienced translator, interpreter and terminologist, Nikolche Mickoski set his goal to tackle the problem of the lack of a national Macedonian corpus by building one from specialized scientific publications, published by the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
In order to overcome the methodological, quantitative and qualitative gap between various dictionaries Eglantina Gishti is working with on a daily basis, she decided to visit ELEXIS infrastructures in Denmark to learn how to develop and improve tools and services needed for her work.