ELEXIS Showcase Event: Records accessible online!
The ELEXIS Showcase Event in Florence was a great success! Each session can be re-watched via Videolectures.net, the recorded event-stream is available via YouTube.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Iztok Kosem contributed 116 entries already.
The ELEXIS Showcase Event in Florence was a great success! Each session can be re-watched via Videolectures.net, the recorded event-stream is available via YouTube.
Denis Gaščić is an ambitious computer & language enthusiast with a strong interest in Neologisms. He applied for a research grant to visit the Institute of the Estonian Language in order to be introduced to tools and methods used for dictionary compilation and automatic detection of neologisms.
We published four new reports of various research grant holders describing their research visit and the tasks carried out.
Dóra Mária Tamás Is an experienced researcher focusing on legal terminology. Her background in legal translation and interpretation brought her to the lexicographic and terminological work in her home country of Hungary.
Dorota Mika is a passionate aspiring lexicographer, focusing on the etymology of the Polish language. She worked on a variety of lexicographic projects in the past including the electronic Conceptual Dictionary of Old Polish.In order to generate a clear workflow on how to integrate and merge diachronic lexicographic data from electronic dictionaries, she applied to visit the Instituut voor the Nederlandse Taal to benefit from its long expertise.
Carolin Müller-Spitzer is an experienced linguist and lexicographer, working on the influence of the corpus base on collocation sets in dictionaries. She applied for an ELEXIS research grant to visit the Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal in Leiden (the Netherlands) to conduct a contrastive German-Dutch study on the influence of the corpus base on collocation sets in dictionaries.
Being an avid dictionary user herself, Jelena Parizoska wrote her PhD on the ‘variability of verbal idioms in English and Croatian within the cognitive linguistic framework.’ To learn how to incorporate certain features into the Online Dictionary of Croatian Idioms, she applied for a research grant to visit the Jožef Stefan Institute in Slovenia.