Conference on Lexicography in the Nordic Region
The Conference on Lexicography in the Nordic Region was held from the 4th until the 7th of June 2019 in Helsinki, Finland. ELEXIS had a strong presence at the conference, as Iztok Kosem from JSI was one of the keynote speakers.

E-dictionaries and E-lexicography
Zagreb hosted a conference that focused on the topics of e-dictionaries, e-encyclopedias, corpora in lexicography, databases on language and terminology, e-terminology, retrodigitalization and computer tools for lexicography.

Globalex 2019 Workshop at DSNA
ELEXIS supported and co-organised the Globalex Workshop on Lexicography and Neologism that was held at the 22nd biennial meeting of the Dictionary Society of North America.

ELEXIS @ Workshop: Showcasing Language Technologies, April 2019
This workshop introduces Digital Service Infrastructures and their stakeholders language technology related projects. ELEXIS representatives are going to showcase tools and services developed within the project.

ELEXIS @LiSeH Spring School 2019
LiSeH2019 will give an introduction to concepts related to the Semantic Web and Linked Data and aims to provide an overview of semantic web technologies and tools with a special focus on application scenarios in the Humanities.

Language rules conference
ELEXIS representatives were present at University of Nottingham in the UK for the conference Language rules? Languages, standards and linguistic inequality: multilingualism and variation in education, law and citizenship.

Dictionary Society of North America 2019 Conference
ELEXIS will be present at the DSNA 2019 conference in Bloomington, Indiana (US).

October 2018
ELEXIS will be present at the CLARIN Annual Conference 2018 in Pisa, Italy. Furthermore, this years local host, the Institute for Computational Linguistics, is part of the ELEXIS consortium.
October 2018