#elexis_bg – IBL

Visiting grants contact:

Svetla Koeva

Svetla Koeva


  • 52 Shipchenski Prohod Blvdr., block 17, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria

Find out more about ELEXIS visiting grants and former winning projects:

at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is a leading research organisation focused on theoretical and applied research of Bulgarian: theoretical, applied and computational linguistics; general and contrastive linguistics; lexicography and terminology; etymology, history of language and dialects, etc.

The main departments involved in ELEXIS are the Department of Bulgarian Lexicology and Lexicography and the Department of Computational Linguistics:

  • The Department of Bulgarian Lexicology and Lexicography works on theoretical issues and their application in dictionary compilation in three major directions: semantics, lexicology and theory of lexicography.
  • The Department of Computational Linguistics deals with development of theoretical models for formal description of language, development of language technologies to be implemented in various computer applications and systems, development of language resources and tools.
Existing tools and services:

The Institute for Bulgarian Language has been involved in the compilation of the majority of existing

In recent years a large number of Bulgarian dictionaries and other language resources focused on Bulgarian have been made available online aimed at researchers, teachers and students in Bulgarian language, as well as the wide public.

The Portal LexIT combines ten dictionaries and provides an integrated environment which allows the users to access all resources simultaneously in an easy and efficient manner. Visiting researchers will benefit from having access to all of the resources and services at the Institute for Bulgarian Language and will have at their disposal the expertise of researchers working at the Department of Bulgarian Lexicology and Lexicography and the Department of Computational Linguistics.


Creating a German-Latvian LSP glossary – Silga Sviķe

Silga Svike is a teacher, linguist and researcher focusing on special domain dictionaries. Her research visit takes her to the ACDH-CH where she aims to create a bilingual digital LSP corpus in order to translate specialized literature.

Building a specialized Corpus in Macedonian – Nikolche Mickoski

As an experienced translator, interpreter and terminologist, Nikolche Mickoski set his goal to tackle the problem of the lack of a national Macedonian corpus by building one from specialized scientific publications, published by the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

A corpus-based method for extracting polylexical units – Eglantina Gishti

In order to overcome the methodological, quantitative and qualitative gap between various dictionaries Eglantina Gishti is working with on a daily basis, she decided to visit ELEXIS infrastructures in Denmark to learn how to develop and improve tools and services needed for her work.