Anila Çepani
assoc. prof.
Lecturer at the Department of Linguistics
Faculty of History and Philology – University of Tirana
Fakulteti i Historisë dhe i Filologjisë – Universiteti i Tiranës
The Faculty of History and Philology of the University of Tirana was established in 1951, as part of the Higher Pedagogical Institute, which was the first institution in Albania to prepare teachers with higher education in social and natural sciences. With the establishment of the University of Tirana in 1957, the Faculty of History and Philology became one of the seven faculties. Initially it consisted of branches of history (later history – geography), language – literature and Russian language. Since then it has undergone numerous expansions and reorganizations.
The faculty is organized into six departments: history, archeology and cultural heritage, geography, linguistics, literature, and journalism.
Currently all curricula are designed according to the European Higher Education Area. According to these curricula, first level diplomas, second level diplomas, first level masters, second level masters and doctoral schools are given.
The Faculty of History and Philology of the University of Tirana is the largest HEI in Albania which carries out research in humanities specializing in the fields of linguistics, literature, and cultural studies.
The Department of Linguistics includes about 20 lecturers who are also researchers in various fields of linguistics: morphology, syntax, lexicology, semantics, phonetics, computational linguistics, sociolinguistics, etc.
It has a community of researchers who are very active in publishing articles in international and national indexed journals. In the field of lexicology and lexicography, various scientific articles have been prepared with the latest achievements in this field. Also, the professors of this department are involved in projects within the country that are also related to the field of lexicology.