Victoria Ivashchenko
Deputy Director for Scientific Work Institute of Journalism, Professor of the Department of Publishing
vicivashchenko(at)ukr.net; v.ivashchenko(at)kubg.edu.ua
The Institute of Journalism of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Інститут журналістики Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка
The Institute of Journalism of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Інститут журналістики Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка) is aimed at forming a new generation of professional journalists, who will create a top-quality information product and represent Ukraine in the world media arena with dignity.
Lexicographic activity of Institute of Journalism of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University includes:
- the interactive (audiovisual) electronic dictionary with the possibility of informational search of terms in the format of e-learning resource «Lexical Minimum of Media Expert», performed within the scientific topic of the Institute of Journalism «Media Studies: Scientific and Educational Discourses» (2019–2024). URL: https://allasolonenko.github.io/LexicalMinimumMediaStudies/ (heads: V.Ivashchenko, Н. Нorbenko);
- projects of the Terminology Commission under International Committee of Slavonic Scholars (TC ICSS):
- the multilingual «Glossary of Terminology Terms» of the combined type with definitions-quotations from source languages as well as equivalents of terms that form the lexical minimum of a terminologist, in English and 9 Slavic languages – Polish, Czech, Slovenian, Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian (2019–2023) (head – V. Ivashchenko);
- the multilingual Terminographic Database TERM_IN «Slavic terminography» – integrated resource that provides the ability to search for terminological dictionaries in various fields of knowledge with a choice of user interface in English and 10 Slavic languages (2019–2023). URL: http://term-in.net/en/term-slovniki/ (head – V. Ivashchenko);
- «Dictionary of Printing terms: Book Editor». Кyiv, 2018 (compiler – V. Shpak);
- online project “Slovopys” / “Wordiscribe” – video dictionary (text and video blogs) of the forgotten and rarely used Ukrainian words, dialectisms, neologisms, phraseology, as well as interviews and explanations on the correct use of words and expressions. URL: http://slovopys.kubg.edu.ua/category/videoslovnyk/ (heads: M.Angelova, T. Kutsay);
- Dictionary of Ukrainian Language (Borys Grinchenko Dictionary), supplemented by students and teachers of all departments of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. URL: http://surl.li/acsqs;
- professional examination and review of dictionaries (V. Ivashchenko).