Ana Salgado
Coordinator of lexicographic projects at the Instituto de Lexicologia e Lexicografia da Língua Portuguesa (ILLLP-ACL).
Editor of Thesaurus das Ciências da Terra in collaboration with M. J. Lemos de Sousa and M. Telles Antunes.
Taught the lexicography course “Como se faz um dicionário” [“How to make a dictionary”] (ILLLP-ACL).
Lisbon Academy of Sciences
Academia das Ciências de Lisboa
The Academia das Ciências de Lisboa (ACL) is one of the oldest national scientific institutions, existing since December 24, 1779, when it was founded during the reign of Queen Maria I, under Fedro’s motto: Nisi utile est quod facimus stulta est gloria. [Glory is vain if what we do is useless.]
Through the Instituto de Lexicologia e Lexicografia da Língua Portuguesa (ILLLP), the ACL has the following lexicographic activities undergoing:
- Portuguese Academy Dictionary: The latest edition of the Portuguese Academy Dictionary (2001) is being updated (the electronic version of the DACL is not publicly available yet). The project is coordinated by Ana Salgado with the consultancy of Álvaro Iriarte Sanromán from Minho University. The Natural Language Processing group of the Computer Science Department of the University of Minho (Alberto Simões and J. J. Almeida) has been developing the technological support which now counts with the participation of NOVA CLUNL (Linguistic Research Center of NOVA University of Lisbon). For more information: http://www.acad-ciencias.pt/academia/illlp-novo-dicionario.
- Thesaurus de Ciências da Terra: Publication of thesauri in the field of Earth Sciences. For more information: https://volp-acl.pt/index.php/publicacoes-do-illlp.
- Digital Edition of the Vocabulário Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa (VOLP-1940): The aim of this project, coordinated by Rute Costa (NOVA CLUNL), is to linguistically and computationally process, as well as digitize this resource. For more information: https://clunl.fcsh.unl.pt/investigacao/projetos-curso/edicao-digital-do-vocabulario-ortografico-da-lingua-portuguesa-volp-1940/.
About ACL representatives
Ana Salgado
Ana Salgado, lexicographer, is currently coordinating the creation of a new digital Portuguese-language dictionary to be published by the ACL. In 2018, she published the first digital ACL spelling vocabulary – VOLP-ACL. Her professional experience primarily involves carrying out important projects on the topic of Portuguese lexicographic references and she is doing her PhD under the supervision of Rute Costa and Toma Tasovac. Her research interests include Lexicography, Terminology, and data modelling carried out according to the TEI Guidelines. In collaboration with Alberto Simões, she is developing LeXmart, an open-source web platform lexicographers can use to more easily edit and publish lexical resources.
With computational support from:
Alberto Simões
Alberto Simões has a PhD in Natural Language Processing from the University of Minho and has been developing his research work in Portuguese language processing, particularly in the construction of lexical resources. He has also been collaborating in the development of various NLP tools, namely in morphological analysis, and the extraction of bilingual terminology from parallel corpora. He is responsible for the technological support of new digital ACL dictionary. With Ana Salgado, he is developing LeXmart, an open-source web platform created for lexicographers so that they could easily edit and publish lexical resources.