The LREC 2018 Workshop Globalex 2018 “Lexicography & WordNets”, that will take place on the 8th May 2018 in Miyazaki, Japan, is jointly organized by the GLOBALEX Preparatory Board, the Global WordNet Association (GWA) and ELEXIS.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Iztok Kosem contributed 116 entries already.
The LREC 2018 Workshop Globalex 2018 “Lexicography & WordNets”, that will take place on the 8th May 2018 in Miyazaki, Japan, is jointly organized by the GLOBALEX Preparatory Board, the Global WordNet Association (GWA) and ELEXIS.
The 6th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics: Towards Linguistic Data Science, co-located with the LREC 2018, is coorganized by ELEXIS
The ELEXIS project is funding the access to Sketch Engine as one of the ELEXIS infrastructure components between 2018 and 2022.
Five grants for research visits in order to work with the lexicographic resources and tools within the ELEXIS infrastructure are available.
From the 15th to 17th February 2018 the 17 consortium partners met in Ljubljana, Slovenia to kick-off the ELEXIS project. The whole consortium was presented in order to get to know each other better.
On the 1st of February 2018, the H2020 Project “European Lexicographic Infrastructure – ELEXIS” officially started.