The Austrian Academy of Sciences (OEAW) is Austria’s largest non-university research facility with over 1300 employees looking back on a history of over 170 years. In 2015, the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH), jointly founded by the Academy and the Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, was established with the declared intention of fostering the digital paradigm in the humanities. In their research, the centre works on text- and language-related questions focusing on non-standard and historical linguistic varieties as well as eLexicography and scholarly digital editions. In numerous projects across a wide range of digitally mediated humanities disciplines, the ACDH-CH works on digital language resources and related standards, semantic technologies, domain-specific virtual research environments and repositories for preservation of valuable digital research data.

Tanja Wissik
Work Package Leader WP 7
Tanja Wissik (PhD) is a senior researcher at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and a lecturer at the University of Graz. She holds a PhD from the University of Vienna in translation studies with a specialisation in the field of terminology and corpus linguistics. She has been working in numerous national and international research projects first as a junior researcher at the Institute for Specialised Communication and Multilingualism of the European Academy Bolzano and then as a researcher and lecturer at the University of Vienna.

Karlheinz Moerth
Project Member
Karlheinz Moerth (PhD) is the director of the ACDH-CH. Proceeding from a background in Near Eastern Studies (with a focus on modern languages and applied linguistics), he has been working throughout his academic life at the interface between modern IT and humanities disciplines. He conducted research on a wide range of text technological questions taking a special interest in digital editing, eLexicography, text lexicography, methodologies for the build-up and maintenance of digital corpora, annotation research and corpus-related encoding.

Anna Woldrich
Project Member
Anna Woldrich is communication expert at the ACDH-CH.
Before joining the ACDH-CH, she worked as social editor and campaign manager.
She graduated at Universität Wien/Universitá degli Studi di Siena in the field of mass media and communication studies, focusing on radio, broadcasting, marketing, communication research and communication theory.
As a part of ELEXIS project, she is responsible for planning, managing and monitoring on- and offline communication activities. Additionally, she takes care of the project’s social media channels and content-management on ELEXIS’ website. Through her presence at project-relevant events she fosters community building with relevant audiences.
Furthermore, she supports the team regarding event-organization.

Thierry Declerck
Project Member
Thierry Declerck studied Philosophy at the University of Brussels (1977-1981) and Computational Linguistics at the University of Tuebingen (1987-1992). He was working part-time at the Austrian Academy of Sciences between 2011 and 2016, and now again since April 2018, contributing for the Austrian Center for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage to the ELEXIS project, especially investigating the role of Linked Data for the representation and generation of lexical data. An essential element in this context is the further development of the OntoLex-Lemon model, which was resulting from a W3C Working Group and which is supporting the publication of lexical data in the Linguistic Linked Open Data cloud. He has been teaching on this topic at ESSLLI 2018 and at the LiSeH Spring School in April 2019. The lectures will be part of ESSLLI 2019.
A main current topic of interest is the integration of lexicogrpahic knowledge and distributional semantics approaches.
Information about his DFKI affiliation can be found here:

Lenka Bajčetić
Project Member
Lenka Bajčetić is a Data Scientist in the Elexis team. She has completed her bachelor studies in Computer Science at the Mathematical faculty of Belgrade, as well as a Digital Humanities minor at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. She is currently finishing her master thesis at the Human Language Technology master at the VU, where she had the opportunity to colaborate with Prof. Piek Vossen as his University Research Fellow and implement a Natural Language Processing module for a situated semantic agent. Her research interests include Natural Language Understanding, Semantic Modeling and Entity Coreference Resolution.

Seung-Bin Yim
Project Member
Seung-Bin Yim is a data analyst/developer at the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage and is working on ELEXIS and SSHOC projects. He has studied information and knowledge management at the Vienna University of Technologies with a focus on semantic web and machine learning. Before joining the ACDH-CH, he worked as a researcher at Research Studios Austria for different semantic web and machine learning projects, gained experience in aerospace industries at Korea Aerospace industries and worked for different Enterprise projects as software developer/architect. His fields of interest include Linked Data, Semantic Web, Machine Learning, Enterprise Architecture, Agile Software development and Test Driven Development.