Liudmila Mockienė
Assoc. Prof. dr.
Director (Dean) of the Institute of Humanities, Mykolas Romeris University
Mykolas Romeris University
Mykolo Romerio Universitetas
Researchers of the Institute of Humanities (IOH), Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), conduct contrastive research on terminology and multilingual terminography (predominantly of Lithuanian and English languages) in the following directions:
- Contrastive semantic research of terminology bound to the national cultural/social system. The research mostly focuses on legal terminology which is different from other terms in other areas due to its close relation to a particular national legal system, thus semantic incongruity of legal terms leads to equivalence problems.
- Research of semantic dependency patterns (semantic frames) of multi-word terms based on Frame Semantics theory and FrameNet project methodology. Research on semantic frames of terminology reveals human epistemic knowledge of various domains and contributes to knowledge engineering. Its results may be used for development of term ontologies which serve as conceptual-structural generalization of domain knowledge described by natural language. A PhD student of IOH (MRU) is about to defend a dissertation on Frame-based approach to the EU financial terms in English, French and Lithuanian.
- Analysis of translation of terms. IOH (MRU) researchers analyse translations of terms of various domains (law, economic, business, biology, etc.) in dictionaries, databases, legal acts and other documents aiming to establish what translation strategies and methods are used by translators of different languages.
- Research on linguistic means used to create terms in different domains aiming to establish the prevailing tendencies of term formation in different languages. IOH researchers investigate lexical sources and types of term formation, which are used to form new terms in different languages, and seek to establish the prevalent term formation principles.
Researchers of the IOH (MRU) are participating in the following projects:
- a scientific project for automatic cybersecurity term extraction and definition;
- COST Action CA18209 European network for Web-centred linguistic data science;
- COST Action CA18231 Multi3Generation.
Researchers of the IOH (MRU) are authors and co-authors of a number of dictionaries, e.g.:
- Aiškinamasis anglų-lietuvių kalbų teisės ir verslo žodynas (Explanatory English-Lithuanian Dictionary of Law and Business), 2013: https://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/10701873;
- Norvegų-lietuvių kalbų žodynas = Norsklitauisk ordbok (Norvegian-Lithuanian Dictionary), 2018: http://www.baltoslankos.lt/media/images/istraukos/9786094791468.pdf