The Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal (or Dutch Language Institute) is the place for anyone who wants to know anything about the Dutch language through the centuries. It is a scholarly but at the same time easily accessible institute that studies all aspects of the Dutch language, including its vocabulary, grammar and linguistic variations. The institute collects new Dutch words, updates important reference works such as the Algemene Nederlandse Spraakkunst, the main standard work on Dutch grammar, and creates terminology lists to make professional jargons accessible.
The institute also takes a central position in the Dutch-speaking world (the Netherlands, Vlaanderen, Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles) as a developer, keeper and distributor of corpora, lexica, dictionaries and grammars. With these sustainable language resources, all results of scholarly methods, the Dutch Language Institute provides the necessary building blocks of the study of Dutch.

Carole Tiberius
Project Member
Carole Tiberius (PhD) is a computational linguist. After degrees in translation and computational linguistics, she obtained a PhD on multilingual lexical knowledge representation from the University of Brighton. Before joining INT, she worked as a linguist on typological databases at the University of Surrey. At INT she is involved in lexicographic projects (mainly Algemeen Nederlands Woordenboek) and the maintenance of externally created bilingual lexical resources.

Bob Boelhouwer
Project Member
Bob Boelhouwer (PhD) is a computational linguist. He holds a PhD in Cognitive Science entitled From letter strings to phonemes: the role of orthographic context in phonological recoding from Nijmegen University. At INT, he is responsible for the repository of digital language resources for the Dutch language hosted at the ‘INT Taalmaterialen’ (INT Language Materials).

Katrien Depuydt
Project Member
Katrien Depuydt is a senior linguist/lexicographer at INT. She has worked on two major historical dictionaries and has led several projects on corpus building, computational lexica, tools for lexicon building and retrieval systems for corpora and dictionaries. She has been involved in several European (IMPACT, SUCCEED, TRANSCRIPTORIUM) and national projects, leading work packages on lexicon development and corpus processing.

Jesse de Does
Project Member
Jesse de Does (PhD) is a computational linguist. He holds a PhD in applied mathematics and a master’s degree in Slavic Linguistics, and has many years of experience in language processing and retrieval applications both for historical and modern lexicographic data. He is an expert in TEI.