The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is the leading research institution for natural sciences in Slovenia having over 900 researchers within 25 departments working in the areas of computer science, physics, and chemistry and biology. The main departments involved in ELEXIS and thus offering support to visiting researchers are the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, one of the largest European research groups working in the areas of machine learning, data mining, language technologies, semantic technologies and sensor networks, the Centre for Knowledge Transfer in Information Technologies, and the Department of Knowledge Technologies which is a recognised centre of research on language technologies, computational linguistics, corpus linguistic, and digital humanities.

Simon Krek
Project Coordinator
Simon Krek (PhD) is a researcher and project manager in the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. He received a PhD in linguistics from the University of Ljubljana. The topic of his PhD was automatic extraction of lexicographic data from corpora. His main areas of research are lexicography and lexicogrammar, corpus linguistics, natural language processing, language technology infrastructure and computer-aided language learning and teaching. He is one of the representatives in the CLARIN.SI consortium ( from JSI. He is a member of EURALEX board and the chair of the Innovative e-dictionaries Working Group in European Network of e-Lexicography COST action.
Personal page:

Iztok Kosem
Community Manager
Iztok Kosem (PhD) is Research Associate at Jožef Stefan Institute and at the University of Ljubljana. His main areas of research are lexicography and lexicogrammar, corpus linguistics, crowdsourcing, and computer-aided language learning and teaching. He is the leader of the national research project KOLOS (Collocations as a basis for language description: semantic and temporal perspectives), the coordinator of the Comprehensive Slovenian-Hungarian Dictionary, and one of the editors of the Collocations Dictionary of Modern Slovene. In ELEXIS, he has a role of Community Manager, and he is heavily involved in the development of Elexifinder, Lexonomy and games with a purpose (gamification).

Mojca Kregar Zavrl
Project Manager
Mojca Kregar Zavrl has a degree in Economics from the Faculty of Economics, University in Ljubljana. She works at JSI at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory as a financial manager and collaborates in European and national projects.

Teja Goli
Project Member
Teja Goli is an assistant at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at IJS and at the University of Ljubljana. She finished her master’s degree in Translation at the Faculty of Arts (University of Ljubljana). Her research interests include translation, corpus linguistics and lexicography.

Dunja Mladenić
Project Member
Dunja Mladenić (PhD) is a researcher, project manager and head of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She is an active researcher in the area of machine learning, text mining and semantic Web. She has experience in coordinating EU projects and acting on the management board of several EU FP5, FP6 and FP7 projects. She is the Slovenian representative in EC Enwise STRATA ETAN Expert Group, she serves as project evaluator and reviewer for various EC programmes.
Personal page:

Marko Grobelnik
Project Member
Marko Grobelnik (PhD) is a researcher and project manager in the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. He is an expert in the areas of analysis and knowledge discovery in large complex databases. He collaborates with major European and US academic institutions and consults industries such as British Telecom, Microsoft Research, Nature, New York Times, Bloomberg, and Accenture, and is the author of several books in the area of machine learning, data mining, text mining and semantic technologies and authors of many scientific papers
Personal page:

Jaka Čibej
Project Member
Jaka Čibej is a researcher at the JSI Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and the Centre for Language Technologies and Resources, University of Ljubljana. His main research interests include corpus linguistics, natural language processing, research on dictionary use, crowdsourcing in linguistics and computer-mediated communication.

Tomaž Erjavec
Project Member
Tomaž Erjavec (PhD) is a senior scientific associate at the Department of Knowledge Technologies and was previously also employed at the University of Edinburgh and University of Tokyo and as a detached national expert at the EU Joint Research Centre, Ispra. He is an expert on language technologies, with a focus on the Slovene and other Slavic languages, multilingual applications, methods and standards for the compilation and annotation of language resources.
Personal page:

Nikola Ljubešić
Project Member
Nikola Ljubešić (PhD) is a researcher in the Department of Knowledge Technologies and Assistant Professor at the Department of Information and Communication Sciences at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia. His research interests cover a broad spectrum of NLP problems including web corpora construction, terminology extraction, bilingual lexicon extraction from comparable corpora and machine translation.

Janez Brank
Project Member
Janez Brank (PhD) is a researcher at Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining and Software Engineering in different domains.

Špela Sitar
Project Member
Špela Sitar is part of the Centre for Knowledge Transfer at Jozef Stefan Institute in Slovenia.

Polona Gantar
Project Member
Polona Gantar (PhD) is a researcher at the Department of Translation at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. Her main areas of research include lexical semantics and grammar as well as multi-word expressions and phraseology, in particular in terms of corpus methodology and e-dictionary applications. She is the author of the corpus-based analysis of Multi-word expressions in Slovene and the Lexicographic description of Slovene in the digital environment. Currently, she is involved in the development of semantic resources for Slovene, more specifically, for lexicographic description and computer processing.

Špela Arhar Holdt
Project Member
Špela Arhar Holdt (PhD) is a researcher at the Centre for Language Resources and Technologies, University of Ljubljana. She is actively involved in the creation of different corpus-based language resources for Slovene. Her work focuses on the procedures for extraction, analyses and application of corpus data for the needs of language didactics, standardisation, and grammar description. Research-wise, she is also dealing with user studies aiming to identify language problems of Slovene speakers and provide solutions to these problems in the form of user-friendly language resources and tools.

Kaja Dobrovoljc
Project Member
Kaja Dobrovoljc (PhD) is a researcher at the JSI Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and the Centre for Language Technologies and Resources, University of Ljubljana. She is interested in the development of language resources and tools for computational processing of Slovenian and their use in descriptive linguistic research.