Kiril Simov
assoc. prof. dr.
Head of Department of Linguistic Modelling and Knowledge processing
Senior Research Fellow
Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (IICT-BAS)
Институт по информационни и комуникационни технологии към Българската академия на науките
IICT is the leading Bulgarian research organisation in modern ICT areas like high-performance computing, smart interfaces (processing of language and speech, images and signals) as well as in optimisation and intelligent control. Today IICT coordinates two research infrastructures: “National Centre for High Performance and Distributed Computing” and CLaDA-BG “National Interdisciplinary Research E-Infrastructure for Bulgarian Language and Cultural Heritage Resources and Technologies” integrated within the European CLARIN and DARIAH infrastructures. In 2016 IICT successfully completed the project AComIn (Advanced Computing for Innovation, for about 3 M€), which is included in the European Commission’s book “Achievements of FP7: examples that make us proud.” In 2018 the Institute performed about 100 projects in research, innovation and expert consulting, including more than 20 contracts for industrial research, and trained many PhD students.
The IICT has a longstanding expertise in Natural Language Processing. This research line includes developing resources (dictionaries, gazetteers, corpora), tools (processing modules, such as tokenizer, POS tagger, dependency parser, semantic parser, etc.) and services for Bulgarian. Among the language resources a special focus is put on dictionaries and their connection to grammar. The BulTreeBank team has developed a morphological dictionary of Bulgarian (approx. 1 600 000 wordforms); a Valency Dictionary of Bulgarian (approx. 4000 verb lemma frames); a data-driven WordNet for Bulgarian (approx. 22 000 synsets).