The Institute for Bulgarian Language (IBL) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is a leading research organisation focused on theoretical and applied research of Bulgarian: theoretical, applied and computational linguistics; general and contrastive linguistics; lexicography and terminology; etymology, history of language and dialects, etc. It develops and maintains various linguistic resources – dictionaries (explanatory, bilingual, syntactical, etymological, historical, spelling, phraseological, dialectal, etc.), lexical databases, Bulgarian dialect atlases, lexical semantic networks (Bulgarian wordnet), corpora (monolingual and multilingual, annotated, parallel, incl. the Bulgarian National Corpus), etc.

Svetla Koeva
Project member
Prof. Svetla Koeva (PhD) is a professor in computational linguistics. She is an expert in language processing, formal description of natural language, ontologies, and others. She has extensive management experience as team leader and coordinator of projects at national and international level, such as ATLAS: Applied Technology for Language-Aided CMS; CESAR: Central and South-East European Resources; Internet Monitoring and Multi-language Content Analysis; Bulgarian wordnet, and others.