Technical Management Board (TMB)
The Technical Management Board (TMB) is in charge of the implementation of the scientific and technical work, and monitors, on a daily basis, the progress of the project in accordance to the objectives, deliverables and milestones defined in the project work plan. The board includes the Project Coordinator and the Work Package Leaders (WPL) and meets at least quarterly (physically or virtually). The tasks and responsibilities of the TMB include:
- Definition of the scientific and technical roadmap for the project, in particular the coordination of the integration of work package results according to the work plan.
- Review and monitoring of the work plan and the general project progress.
- Supervision of the technology transfer process towards use case partners and potential adopters.
- Support to the PMB in issues of risk assessment, contingency planning, conflict resolution and revisions of the work plan.

Simon Krek
Project Coordinator
WP6 and WP10 Leader
The “Jožef Stefan” Institute (JSI)

Miloš Jakubíček
Technical Manager
WP4 and WP8 Leader
Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o. (LC)

Iztok Kosem
Community Manager
The “Jožef Stefan” Institute (JSI)

Carole Tiberius
WP1 Leader
The Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal (INT)

John McCrae
WP2 Leader
The National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG)

Roberto Navigli
WP3 Leader
The Sapienza University of Rome (UNIROMA)

Toma Tasovac
WP5 Leader
The Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities (BCDH)

Tanja Wissik
WP7 Leader
The Austrian Academy of Sciences (OEAW)

Bolette Sandford Pedersen
WP9 Leader
The Centre for Language Technology at the Department of Nordic Research, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)