Intellectual Property Rights Committee (IPRC)
The Intellectual Property Rights Committee was established at the ELEXIS kick-off meeting to address objective 4, ‘enable access to standards, methods, lexicographic data and tools for scientific communities, industries and other stakeholders’, and objective 5, ‘promote an open access culture in lexicography, in line with the European Commission Recommendation on access to and preservation of scientific information’.
The work of ELEXIS IPRC is included in WP6 (T6.2 Copyright and legal issues) and is directly connected to the following part of the Grant Agreement: “We will form a dedicated legal issues group that will specialize in legal questions and first launch a wide-spread campaign to be able to assess and make generalization about possible solutions. On this basis recommendations on IPR issues in lexicography will be published and disseminated in the lexicographic community”.
Therefore, the goal of IPRC work is the publication of “recommendations on IPR issues in lexicography”, following from the deliverable D6.2.
IPRC communicates through a mailing list, members have access to a part of ELEXIS cloud. IPRC did not have official meetings in the first year, discussions were included in the agenda of TMB and PMB meetings.
The following members of the Intellectual Property Rights Committee were included at the kick-off meeting and during the first project year:
- Simon Krek, JSI
- Carole Tiberius, IVDNT
- Bob Boelhouwer, IVDNT
- Ilan Kernerman, KD
- Sussi Olsen, UCPH
- Sanni Nimb, DSL
- John McCrae, NUIG
- Miloš Jakubiček, LC
- Roberto Navigli (UNIROMA1)

Simon Krek
The “Jožef Stefan” Institute (JSI)

Carole Tiberius
The Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal (IVDNT)

Bob Boelhouwer
The Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal (IVDNT)

Ilan Kernerman
K Dictionaries (KD)

Sussi Olsen
University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

Sanni Nimb
Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab (DSL)

John McCrae
National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG)

Miloš Jakubíček
Lexical Computing (LC)

Roberto Navigli
Sapienza University of Rome (UNIROMA1)